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Find music you like

by Thomas,
assono GmbH, Standort Kiel,

You certainly have your favorite music style and artists, you hear again and again. You learn about new music from the media - radio, tv, magazines, blogs (Thanks, Chris, for your Tip Epica smile.gif, I never had found them myself) - or from recommendations of your friends.

One alternative to come across new music and artists, which you probably like, is last.fm.

When you enter your favorite artist into the search field, last.fm searches for him and delivers some information and songs:
A picture named M2

But here I want to recommend you the "Play similar artists" function:
A picture named M3

Further more you can use other users' tags to discover new artists:
A picture named M4

If you click e. g. "symphonic metal", you can use the so called "Tag Radio" ot the "Track Playlist" or you browser other similar tags:
A picture named M5

Happy "Music surfing" biggrin.gif


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